This post originally appeared on YaySports!.
(This post was not written by The Caviar. As a matter of fact, no posts will be written by The World Famous Mr. The Caviar until further notice.)
Good evening. Readers, do not attempt to adjust your browser. There is nothing wrong. We have taken control has to bring actual posts. We will return it to the Cav as soon as there is a movie.
Welcome to YaySports!, better known as The Blog the Cav Left, or better still, The Jordi and Cobra and Delta Ep Show. Home of extra-exceptional bloggers, dealers of funky blogging. NBA blogging. Uncut blogging. The bomb.
Coming to you directly from the Mothervessel, top of a caramel Mars bar, 1.21 gigawatts of pure blog power. So kick back, dig, while we write words that mess with your optics.
Me? I’m known as Jordi Scrubbings, alias “The Baldhead Longjumper”, alias “The Tampa Teh-Lma“, alias “Jordi Scrubbings”. My motto is …
Well, I don’t have a motto. But if I did, it would be something cool. Like “Succotash Me, Baby!” or “Flapjacks on Mount Zion!”. Anyway, if the readers of this blog were Texas, me, Cobra, and Jeremiah the Mexican Vagabond would just happen to be America circa 18-whenever - annexing and flexing our juice cards when needed.
This is way it has to be.
Soon you will understand.
Further transmissions will follow.