Saturday, January 1, 2011

Learning Comedy Part 3 - Dissecting Eddie Murphy and David Spade

Continuing my series of lessons from "Comedy Writing Secrets - 2nd Edition". Today I will take a look at jokes by Eddie Murphy and David Spade, numbers 5 and 6 on my favorite comedians list.

5) Eddie Murphy
Brothers act like they couldn't have been slaves back 200 years ago. It's like the motherfuckers LIKED that shit. "I whish I was a slave, I would fuck somebody up! Shit, tell ME to bale some motherfucking cotton! I would been on the street and shit, would've come up and say, "Ay, yo, nigger, bale this cotton!" I would say, "Suck my DICK, massa!""

The first nigger who tried that shit... Somebody said, "Nigger, bale this cotton" and he said "Fuck you, Massa"...

[sound of a whip]

The other motherfuckers said, "All right, we'll bale the shit, all right. Just keep that fucking shit away from me."

Subject/ Target: Black attitudes in America

Why it's funny: Like Pryor, Eddie Murphy used race humor to his advantage. Here he gives a comparison of black machismo. He places the societal norms of the 1980s in the slavery times, presumably of the 18th Century. By juxtaposing those images, he can then pit the norm of the 80s versus the obstacle of the 18th Century. Then, in the punchline, he claims the black machismo would fold, which humbles the 1980s black ideals.

Bonus discovery: Eddie Murphy on McDonalds from "Raw"

  6) David Spade
In grade school I was smart, but I didn't have any friends. In high school, I quit being smart and started having friends.
Subject/Target: High school stereotypes

Why it's funny: Spade takes a common perception - that smart kids aren't popular - and continues it. He also plays on the audience's perception of him, that a small, nerdy-looking guy couldn't possibly be smart enough to outsmart the social hierarchy of his school years so quickly. Spade also makes the audience laugh at what is more important: having friends or "being smart", because looking back, most people would probably say being smart, as it would lead to a good job, money, etc. But not for Spade.

  Bonus Discovery: David Spade - earliest television appearance