Tuesday, April 9, 2013

95% done with the Afghanistan Adventure - Let the countdown begin

Yesterday I passed 95% complete with my time in Afghanistan. Wow. It's almost over.

That means only a few weeks left.

Other than that, not much is new. Only that it is time to start mailing my things back to the states, finishing up the work projects, and ensuring all of the knowledge, wisdom, and insight I've gained on my job is imparted to the new folks sitting my seat. That's kind of great feeling.

As for what I am going to do when I get back, I'm still not sure. I'm trying to keep a few pots on the fire and have a few avenues in which to go down, to include putting in an application to business school. The impression I am getting from the headlines and news reports is that the economy in the US is still crappy. And of course, there is that whole "Sea Quest Nation" thing gutting the government and contract possibilities. So no matter how well I do here or have done in the last 13 months, I might have to start over with a new career. Could be exciting.

But first, I want to relax. My goal is to get a room in a nice beach hotel, either on the west or east coast of Florida, and sleep. I also want to catch a few concerts, see a few baseball games, and drink a few beers. All those things I've been missing out on over the last year and a few months.

One of the biggest challenges will be not to jump back in too fast. I have a lot to do when I get back - everything from getting a new car and phone to finding a new job and place to live. I also want to see the eye doctor, the dentist, and a dermatologist. But I have to realize I can't do all that the day I get back. Nor can I do it all in the first week or even the first month. I gotta pace myself. The beach should help with that.

Just like when I left the military the first time, or when I left Tallahassee to move to Tampa, or when I first came out to Afghanistan, or even when I grabbed my lunch box and walked down Chestnut Street in Hicksville, NY way back in 1980-something to enter the first day of kindergarten, it's time to start a whole new adventure.

It's been fun, Afghanistan. You taught me a lot and I hope I helped you out a little, but now my time to go is right around the corner.